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The Protection Camp is Open
After many obstructions have been overcome we are open!

Groundswell Gloucester has received final approval from the Shire Council for the campsite on Maslens Lane.

Development consent conditions have now been complied with and the site was opened to campers yesterday.
There are daily Actions happening at the AGL site but we need numbers to expand these and to make them stronger.

Supporters can also help with the vigil site on the Bucketts Way, publicity, door-knocking and other activities. There is a role for everybody according to their capability.

To get to the camp turn off the Bucketts Way, south of Gloucester, east on to Jacks Rd. Go down Jacks Rd about one and a half kilometers and turn right on to Maslens Lane. Look for the flags and the red bus at the gate.

Here is a link to Google maps (as below):

A maximum of 200 campers will be allowed at any one time. A reception point will be located at the entrance, and all arrivals and departures must be recorded. Campers will need to have consideration for each other and for nearby residents.

Basic requirements such as drinking water and toilets will be available on-site, campers will be mainly dependant on local cafes and grocery stores for their food supplies.

Campers will need to register and identify themselves at the gate. Safety and security will be very important for the good of campers and the neighbours.

If you need information urgently and cannot find it elsewhere there is a camp phone: 0438444026

Please forward these details on to others
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